Friday, June 13, 2014

SLC Result Published

SLC Result Published

Total passed               43.92% that includes;
Distinction                  18,110.00
1st Division                 83,637.00
2nd Division               67,942.00
3rd Division                31,747.00
Congratulation to all pass out students and good luck for further study.

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Thursday, June 12, 2014



The office of the controller of examination is likely to publish the result of school leaving certificate Exam 2070 on Friday. As per the Bishnu Bahadur Dware, exam controller, if everything goes smoothly, the result will be published on Friday, otherwise it will be published on Saturday.

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Vacancy Announcement At

Vacancy Announcement At is looking for young, dynamic candidate (preferably female) to work as an office secretary and to assist in the content management of our portal  Candidates fulfilling the below mentioned requirements and having passion in Education journalism are invited to apply.

Position: Office secretary
Eligibility: Passed Bachelor level (preferably journalism).
Salary: Negotiable
Application deadline: 31 Jestha 2071

Required skills
Basic Computer skills, Email, Internet, Microsoft word, excel, power points
Good typing skills-English
Good writing Skills (English)
Interpersonal skills
Ability to translate Nepali documents to English 

If you have the above mentioned skills, please send us your CV and motivation letter (stating why you think you are eligible for this post and how can you help on overall mission of

Short listed candidates will be called for written exam, skill testing and interview after the passes of deadline mentioned above.

Telephone enquiry will not be entertained and many attempts to influence the selection will disqualify the candidate. 
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Vacancy Announcement at Development Bank

Vacancy Announcement at Development Bank

A leading regional development bank having its Head office in Bharatpur, Chitwan with working area of Chitwan, with working area of Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Rupandehi, Palpa, Lamjung, Gulmi, Tanahu, Kaski and Arghakhanchi is looking for banking professionals for its branch offices:

Branch Manager :( one): for upcoming Pokhara branch
Minimum of Masters Degree in management from a recognized University
Minimum of 5 years of banking experience with at least 3 years experience at managerial position
Preference will be given to the local candidates

Management Trainee :( Few):
Minimum of Masters Degree in management from recognized University
Age should not exceed 28 years as of June 25, 2014

Junior Officer/Supervisor :( Few):
Minimum of Master Degree in management from recognized University
At least 2-3 years of banking experience in Operation, Marketing, and Credit
Post Box No.
Baratpur/Chitwan: 30
Kathmandu:    10618

Application Deadline: June 25, 2014(Ashad 11, 2071)
For more details please visit the attachment;

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Vacancy at Pixel Design

Vacancy at Pixel Design

Pixel Design, an established outsourcing call center since 2009, is looking for energetic for following positions:

 Team leader (2positions)
            Job Specifications:
                        At least 18 months of experience in outbound website campaign in call center.

  Sales Executive (20 positions)
            Job Specifications:
                        Should have a good spoken English
                        Qualification +2 or above
                        Should be willing to work in night shift

PPC/SEO Specialist (4 positions)
            Job Specifications:
                        Should have at least one year of experience
                        Should be willing to work in night shift

 Contact at: 4248846

For more details please visit the attachment

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The Himalayan Times is looking for highly motivated personnel for the following positions;

Sub Editor/Reporter-(4)
 Job Description:
            Under take day to day reporting assignments
Develop ideas and materials by analyzing and interpreting news, current issues and personal experience
Edit and check the copy for spelling and grammatical mistakes
Check facts in stories to ensure accuracy
Provide necessary support and assistance to subordinate in news editing
Minimum Bachelor Degree/preferably Master’s degree with interest in making career in journalism
Minimum 2-3 years of experience
            Should have excellent command over English
            Able to communicate well and get relevant information
            Positive learning attitude, self motivated, hardworking &dedicated

Trainee Journalists-(4)

Job Description:
            Undertake day to day reporting assignment including coverage of variety of events
            Develop and follow news specially breaking news
            Write stories which are researched and reasoned
            Fresh Graduates with Zeal to build their career in journalism may apply
            Should have excellence command over English
            Positive attitude, willingness to learn
            Pro-active, strong, inter-personnel skill
            Creative and open minded

P.O.Box: 11651
Application Deadline: 17th June 2014

For more details please visit the attachement;

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Vacancy Announcement at HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL

Vacancy Announcement at HANDICAP INTERNATIONAL

Handicap International (HI), an INGO working in the field of disability in Nepal invites applications from qualified Nepali candidates for working positions:

  1.  Inclusive Educational Technical Ad visor
  2.  Behavior Change communication Technical Ad-visor
  3.   Livelihood Ad-visor/ Technical Unit Coordinator
  4.    Disaster Risk Management Ad-visor
  5.   Accounts Officer

Deadline: 25th June 2014

 For more details please visit the attachment:

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Career opportunity in Banks

Career opportunity in Banks

Our Client “A” Class Commercial Bank is seeking highly motivated, competent and career- oriented Jr. Assistant for its following branches:

Inside Valley

Balaju                                      Gatthaghar                  Kalimati

NewBaneshwor                      New Road                   Samakhusi

Sorakhutte                               Chabahil                      Kalanki

Lagankhel                               Mahargunj                   Budhanilkantha

Outside Valley

Batar                                       Bhairahawa                 Bharatpur

Biratnagar                               Birtamod                     Dharan

Damauli                                   Itahari                         Kawasoti

Nepalgunj                                Panauti                       Pokhara

Taplejunj                                 Butwal

50% above in S.L.C., +2 and Bachelor level
Age not exceed 28 years
Internship in Bank Preferable (Male or Female)

Apply On:
Available at: 4-250508

 For more details please visit the attachment

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Monday, June 9, 2014



Be Honest.
Trust is the most important element in every relationship and under it comes all dos and don’ts. Do not lie or fake something with friends.  Trust make a long time to build but unfortunately, can be broken in a single heartbeat so do not take any chances especially if it is good friend. Once you start lying, it’s hard to stop. For instance, if you can’t if you can’t make it to a party because you are broke, don’t lies instead tell the truth and if you are good friends, they not only will not mind, but will pitch in for you.

       Be Supportive.
Teasing should be for good cause. For instance, tease your friends about something they are good at. If they came in first for the test, then make them feel proud of the fact by calling them. Also recognize what your friends are trying to achieve and encourage them. No one likes a wet blanket who brings down every one with them. If you find your friends drifting away from you, the problem may be you.

 Be Trust Worthy
Learn to guard your friend’s secrets. If your friends confide in you, it means they trust in you and the information should remain between you and not to be shared with the world.

Do not only talk about your problems, take the time to listen to their as well.
It is easy to declare about your problems but learn to step back for a moment and hear out what your friends are going through.  It’s a way of getting involved in their lives by knowing what they have been doing. Also, remember never to judge them and keep your comments till they ask for it. Sometimes, they are just looking for a listening ear.

Do not stop doing fun things.
It often gets boring when you do not find things to do and keep doing the same things over and over again. So, instead of heading to a restaurant to meet friends, why not invite them over and prepare meals together. You get to spend time with them and enjoy yourself in the process.

Finally, we know friends are very important but do not use them as measure of your worth. Remember yourself worth. And remember always that FRIENDS are the most important ingredients in recipe of life. 
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Friday, May 16, 2014

Tips to Find the Right Course at the right university or college, and you will be inspired to succeed

“Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.” W.B. Yeats

This guide is all about passion. Your passion for your course, and for your future career. Because the secret to happiness is being able to love whatever it is you do in life.
And what does this all have to do with choosing the right course for you? It all starts here. Find the right course, at the right university or college, and you will be inspired to succeed.
So how do you make the right choice? Check our Top 10 tips on choosing your course for the lowdown on getting where you want to be – faster.

Tips No.1 What are you really interested in?
This is not necessarily what are you good at, but what do you love doing? You might be great at maths, but you spend your weekends fixing up bits of old computers. So don’t study maths, focus on IT or computer engineering instead. Specialise in your passion, and learn more about it from the world’s best teachers.

Tips No.2 Why?
It’s really important to think about why you are interested in this subject. Is it because you can see your exciting, glittering career ahead? Or is it because it’s what your parents want? By questioning yourself now, you can work out the exact path you want your choice to take you on.

Tips No.3 Where would you like to study?
There are really two parts to this. Where is the best country to specialise in this subject area? Maybe it’s a country with plenty of internship and graduate work opportunities in that industry, or a city that has access to specific resources. If you’re interested in marine biology, why not head straight to the world’s largest coral reef in Australia and learn right at the source?
It’s also a good idea to ask yourself: where in the world would you love to live for a few years? This is an opportunity to learn a new language or adopt a new culture, make amazing friends, and experience a very different way of life. And if you’re happy in your life, you’ll be happy in your study.

Tips No.4 Take a reality check
Now that you have found your dream, let’s just stop a minute and make sure it’s realistic. Can you afford the flights, tuition and cost of living? Do you need to have certain qualifications first – English language proficiency, GMAT scores? Don’t get discouraged – a pathway program may be all you need to cross those hurdles. And if this really is your passion, then prove it in your scholarship application and you may get some financial help.

Tips No.5 Do your homework
You need to narrow down all your options to about five real, practical choices. That takes a lot of research. This website is a good place to start, then go online and ask questions in student discussion groups or register for online chats. Read student blogs to see what it’s really like. Glossy prospectuses don’t always tell you the full story, so talk to people you know who have studied in that country or city about what it’s really like.

Tips No.6 What’s important to you?
While you are researching, you’ll come up with all kinds of different criteria to judge a university or course by. So make a shortlist of the top three features you’re looking for. These could be school ranking or prestige, research facilities, practical experience and internships, cost of tuition, student support services, safety, social life, chance to travel… there are so many variables, and what’s right for you may be completely wrong for someone else.

Tips No.7 How do you like to study?
Hopefully you have some idea by now of how you prefer to study. And hopefully the answer is not ‘by sleeping’ or ‘by crossing my fingers as I walk into the exam hall.’ Some people prefer final exams, others like regular assignments to keep them busy throughout the year. Some like theory, others like practical hands-on application. Some like to work in groups, others like to work individually. Some like to present their assignment verbally, others prefer to create written reports. Choose a course that suits your study style, and you will be more confident in your success. Or, if you want to challenge yourself, choose a course that will take you out of your comfort zone!

Tips No.8 Look at your career prospects
Studying overseas can be expensive, so think of it as an investment in your future. And that means your career and your salary. Find out where other international students at that university have worked after graduation, and if there’s an active alumni network, or the opportunity to meet industry leaders during your course.

Tips No.9 Focus on the detail
Every subject has so many different options, so it’s good to know the most specific interest you have. Engineering students could study anything from bio-medical engineering to civil engineering. So if you’d rather build bridges than human body parts, understand that before you sign up.

Tips No.10 You can always change your mind

Yes, this is an important decision. But if you get there and you realise you’ve made a terrible mistake, it’s not too late. Talk to the student counsellor on campus, and see if there are better options for you there. Don’t spend the next five years of your life staring at textbooks you have no interest in whatsoever. Remember, it’s all about your passion – keep the excitement alive, and you will succeed!
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List the defenses to assert against a holder in due course

List the defenses to assert against a holder in due course 

The holder in due course doctrine makes a commercial paper of agreement almost as transferable as cash. The creation of valid instrument may give rise to defense against their payment. There are generally two types of defenses: Real defenses and persona defenses. The personal defense cannot be raised against HDC, its only raise real defense. The HDC should honestly pay for the instrument and not know of anything wrong with it. If the instrument is overdue and not paid then HDC can use the court system to enforce system.
Real defenses can be raise against HDC and HDC cannot be able to recover the instrument if it is proven. Some of real defense are:

Infancy or minority: it is negotiable to the extent that it is defect to some extent. In some states, an infant who misrepresents his age is estopped from asserting infancy as a defense to a breach of contract. They must pay reasonable value of an instrument.

Extreme duress: extreme duress are real defenses and it is negotiable instrument as we assume extreme duress are done in the pressure by some other. It usually result of force and violence. For example promissory note signed at gunpoint are enforceable as it done on pressure.

Mental incapacity: the person who are not mentally capable to enter into the contract shouldn’t be consider as authorized person for establishing instrument. The person who are mentally sick or incapable should not issue a negotiable instrument, and it is void from its inception. Adjudicated mental incompetence can raise against holder or HDC.

Illegality: if an instrument is arises out of an illegal transaction and if the law declares the instrument void it is real defense. While establishing an instrument it must be done under state law otherwise it will not be negotiable instrument.

Bankruptcy: makers, and subsequent indorses are not liable to an HDC if they have been discharged in bankruptcy. Thus discharge in bankruptcy is a real defenses against the enforcement of negotiable instrument by a HDC or holder.

Fraud in inception: it is occur when someone signing a negotiable instrument thinking that is something else. It can be enforcement instrument by holder. If employee saying, “This is a receipt for goods we received a little while ago.” Boss signs it. But in actual it is not a receipt; it is promissory note. In this case the note is void.

Material alteration: an instrument that has been material altered cannot be enforced by an ordinary holder. Material or fraudulent alteration means either (1) an unauthorized change in an instrument that purports to modify in any respect the obligation of a party or (2) an unauthorized addition of words or numbers or other change to an incomplete instrument relating to the obligation of a party (Schmitz, 2012). So during the contract don’t leave instruments lying around with blanks that could be filled in.

An HDC is not subject to the obligor’s personal defenses. But a holder who is not an HDC is subject to them: thus they can be raise against enforcement of a negotiable instrument by an ordinary holder.
 In general, the personal defenses include breach of simple contract: lack of consideration; failure of consideration; duress, undue influence, discharge if instrument by payment or cancellation and misrepresentation that does not render the transaction void; breach of warranty; unauthorized completion of an incomplete instrument; prior payment. When a wrongdoer makes a false statement to another person to lead that person to enter into the contract with the wrongdoer thus those instrument are negotiable against original holder. Some of other personal defenses are non adjucated mental illness, illegality of contract that makes voidable.

Real defenses can be arise against HDC and holder in following condition:
·         Infancy
·         extreme duress
·         mental incapacity
·         illegality
·         bankruptcy
·         fraud in inception
·         forgery
·         material alteration
Personal defenses cannot be raise against holder in due course. It can be raise against only original holder.
  • ·         breach of simple contract
  • ·         lack of consideration
  • ·         failure of consideration
  • ·         mental illness that makes contract voidable
  • ·         discharge if instrument by payment or cancellation
  • ·         illegality that makes contract voidable
  • ·         duress or undue influence
  • ·         misrepresentation


Cheeseman, H. R. (2006). Holder in Due course and Liabilty . In Contemporary Business and Online Commerce Law (pp. 413-419). Upper Saddle River, New jersery: Pearson Education Inc.
Schmitz, A. (2012, Dec 29). Holder in Due Course and Defenses. In Legal Aspects of Commercial Transactions (Chapter 24). Customary Creative Commons. Retrieved from

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Definition of Holder in Due Course

Definition of Holder in Due Course

The primary purpose of commercial paper or payment agreement between two parties is to act as substitute for money or value. There are two parties involve the holder and maker. A holder is a person in possession of an instrument payable to bearer or to the identified person possessing it. If the payment are not done on negotiable instrument, when it is due the holder can use court system to enforce the instrument, such that the holder has ordinary right. A holder simply hold the right of assignor’s to specific time more than that a holder can also have a right to acquire assignor’s personal liabilities if he/she fail to to make payment on pre agreement instrument. A holder with such a preferred position can then treat the instrument almost as money, free from the worry that someone might show up and prove it defective (Schmitz, 2012).

The holder in due course is unique in the field of negotiation instrument. A holder in due course is a holder who takes an instrument for value, in good faith and without notice that is defective or is overdue (Cheeseman, 2006). The personal defense cannot be raised against HDC its only raise real defense. The HDC should honestly pay for the instrument and not know of anything wrong with it. If the instrument is overdue then HDC can use the court system to enforce system.

Requirements for Being a Holder in Due Course
Under Section 3-302 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), to be a holder in due course (HDC), a transferee must fulfill the following:
1. be a holder of a negotiable instrument;
2. Have taken it:
a) For value,
b) In good faith,
c) Without notice that it is overdue or has been dishonored (not paid), or
d.) the instrument bears no apparent evidence of forgery, alteration or irregularity.


Cheeseman, H. R. (2006). Holder in Due course and Liabilty . In Contemporary Business and Online Commerce Law (pp. 413-419). Upper Saddle River, New jersery: Pearson Education Inc.
Schmitz, A. (2012, Dec 29). Holder in Due Course and Defenses. In Legal Aspects of Commercial Transactions (Chapter 24). Customary Creative Commons. Retrieved from

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